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Call for Papers

Confluence invites submissions of papers and posters to be presented at the inaugural conference. We seek proposals across disciplines.


For more information, contact Dr. Larry Smith at Missouri Baptist University.

Name of Lead Presenter *
Major(s) *
Year in School *
Student's Official University Email *
Faculty Mentor and His/Her Department *
Title of Presentation *
Select a Category for Your Presentation *
Presentation Format *
If you intend to deliver an oral presentation, would you be willing instead to report on your work in the poster format if scheduling constraints do not permit your acceptance into the oral presentation segment of the research symposium?
POSTER DISPLAY: Easels are available on a first come, first serve basis. Those who do not have a stand readily avaliable will be the first ones given the opportunity to use the MBU easels. Do you have a stand avaliable for your poster?
If your poster does not require an easel, please indicate your delivery method.
Does your research involve collecting data from human subjects? (Human subjects research is defined as past data (i.e. archival, shelf) or future data (i.e., samples, interviews, etc.) data that is collected and originates from human participatns.) *
If you answered Yes to the previous question, please submit documentation here that your human research has been approved by your school’s Institutional Review Board or other governing board or email the documentation to by March 1, 2024. *

Max file size (Mb): 8

Max number of files: 1

Pleaes Select Presentation Time Preferences

Friday Session

First Choice *
Second Choice *
Third Choice *
Fourth Choice *

Saturday Session

First Choice *
Second Choice *
Proposal Abstract (250 words or fewer) *

Max file size (Mb): 8

Max number of files: 1